


The Polish Tourism Organization's Experts Day at the AGROTRAVEL expo

Culinary delicates have always been a the AGROTRAVEL strong point. Almost every booth offers unique, regional flavours and tastes
Culinary delicates have always been a the AGROTRAVEL strong point. Almost every booth
offers unique, regional flavours and tastes

This year's  POT Experts Day  is held on April 8 (Friday) as a part of the  8 International Fair of Rural and Agricultural Tourism AGROTRAVEL... the event promises to be really delicious!  The theme of this year's  mouth-watering event is "Culinary Tourism in rural areas - genuine taste, true relax. "Opportunities and challenges for culinary tourism offer development in rural areas"  will be thoroughly discussed within the scope of the session.

The Experts Day is designed to cast the light on culinary tourism and describe the phenomenon of its popularity.  The potential for the culinary tourism development  will be presented with the examples referring to examples found in Poland's and the world's rural areas. Experts will also share their expertise on the latest trends in this form of tourism.

Industry experts will examine the local production chain - from a seed to the finished product - processed food or dishes. They discussions also feature universal methods designed to capture the local cuisine potentials, historical wealth of recipes, traditions and activities of the inhabitants; the idea behind is to attract the most demanding tourists.

The conference program includes five presentations - the speakers will talk about their experiences in local culinary products development.


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