An interview with Anna Chałupczak - Winiarska MD, a dermatologist, one of the experts of the conference held on 1 July at Targi Kielce, at 11.00
- Why do we have to use cosmetics to protect our skin against excessive sun radiation?
- The sun is the largest natural source of energy. This energy is indispensable in our life. When used in moderation, sunlight has a beneficial impact for our health. It boosts our well-being, it acts as an anti-depressant and stimulates our activity. Sunlight also promotes transformation of the inactive form of vitamin D3 into its active form - essential for our body. In addition, it increase the skin's resistance to ultraviolet radiation by producing melanin in our skin - giving a tan effect. It is generally believed that people who avoid sunlight are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis, muscle pain, joints pain and depression. Therefore the sun exposure is not harmful, provided we use our common sense.
If we expose our skin to sunlight unreasonably long, we must realize that excessive sun exposure has adverse effects on the body. This may cause severe skin reactions and skin burns. Erythema induced by UVB radiation appears 12 to 24 hours after. Erythematous changes may be accompanied with swelling of the skin, blisters, general malaise, fever, nausea and even cardiovascular disorders. Solar radiation also causes distant effects such accelerated skin ageing, solar ketarosis believed to be an early stage of skin cancer. This radiation is also for responsible the so-called photocancerogenesis and photoimmunosuppression phenomena. The sun may intensify the course of some diseases such as lupus erythematosus and induce allergic reactions after particular medications are administered - this results in a photoallergic and phototoxic reactions. - Why do we have to use cosmetics to protect our skin against excessive sun radiation?
One of the ways to minimize adverse effects of solar radiation is skin photoprotection. Photoprotection agents come in the form of creams, gels, sticks, foams which protect skin against adverse effect of sun, especially in people who are exposed too long to sun radiation.
- What is the "healthy" daily dose in order to obtain vitamin D3?
One of the beneficial effects of UVB radiation on our skin has been medically proven - this the already mentioned D3 vitamin synthesis. D3 plays an important role in calcium metabolism, increases calcium absorption in the intestines and consequently stimulates bone tissue formation and mineralization. In addition, vitamin D3 is a part of many cell-growth processes in organs and tissues. D3 also protects against uncontrolled cell divisions thus prevents colorectal and breast cancer.
We all ask ourselves - how long can you stay in the sun for our body to synthesize adequate amounts of vitamin D3? In order to initiate vitamin D3 synthesis in our body, UVB radiation of the 280 nm wavelength is required. The radiation dose needed to synthesise sufficient amounts of D3 is the result of 15 minutes exposure a day - face and hands not covered from the sun. The problem, however is that in this latitude there is not enough sun to synthesize this vitamin in sufficient amounts.
- Tanning in the solarium ... - can we discuss doubts.
- There are no doubts - the UV radiation in solariums produces in the same effects on the skin, just like natural solar radiation. Professor Zygmunt Adamski's research shows that the amount of radiation received by a person using a solarium for 15 minutes equals the annual dose of a person exposed to the sun for all day. Safe tanning at a solarium is 23 minutes ... a year!
- Are tanning accelerators safe. Drug-stores offer a whole variety of such products?
- Some of these have UV filters, others do not ... The tanning accelerators are not harmful - they are designed to stimulate melanin production induced by solar radiation. Therefore users are provoked and tempted to expose to the sun. This is not good. Tanning accelerators that contain sunscreens which reduce deep radiation penetration into skin are definitely better. What needs to be said is that they reduce the time spent in the sun, to a good result.
- What to look for when choosing appropriate tanning cosmetics? Are there "eco" versions?
- When using the sun we should always remember to apply cosmetics with filters. In general terms - creams with filters are divided into chemical (organic) and physical (mineral) ones. Creams with the so-called chemical filters penetrate and bind the epidermis. These agents absorb UVB radiation and convert it into heat energy. They however do not protect against UVA radiation. A long-lasting tanning effect is the result - this has a more damaging effect on the skin. Physical (mineral) filters do not bind to the epidermis. They form a on-skin layer that reflects the sun's rays, both UVB and UVA. However, when applied, these cosmetics produce off-white glossy effect and make clothes dirty. Therefore people are reluctant to use the latter, though phisical protection is better. Mixed creams are available now - these contain both organic (chemical) filters and a blend of mineral filters. Such formulations seems to be the best. In conclusion: we always choose cosmetics that protect against UVB and UVA.
- People who have skin problem such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, over-dried skin - how should they prepare? This will also be discussed at the AtoPsoriaDerm ...
-Phototherapy has been used for centuries in order to treat some dermatological diseases such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis lymphomas, lichen planus, scabies, parapsioritis, vitiligo and many more. Sun rays have curative effects on the skin of people who suffer from the above mentioned illnesses. However, just like any other person, they should also take the same precautions. The main thing is not to expose skin to most intense radiation between 11 a.m. and 15 p.m. If someone needs to be in the sun at that time, they should wear appropriate clothing and sunglasses. They should also use creams with filters. Creams ought to be applied 20 minutes before going out, every 2-3 hours an add-on layer is required. Remember - these should be thick layers. The amount of cream on the tip of your finger should cover up to 2 cm square of skin - filter cream works best then. Patients usually use too thin layers and apply creams too rarely. Also remember that the maximum waterproof creams resistance is 40 minutes, super-resistant offer 80 minutes when in water. Patients should ask physicians whether the medications they use may cause photosensitizing or phototoxic reactions. Patients should also remember to grease the skin with suitable creams for psoriatic and atopic skin. It is also recommended to take care of a proper diet - rich in vegetables, fruits, fish. And do not forget about body hydration. On hot days you need to drink plenty of water - 2 litres a day minimum.
- Thank you for the conversation.