KOPD recognises the best products for children
The Children's Rights Protection Committee has cooperated with the International Fair of Toys and Products for Mother and Child KIDS 'TIME for a number of years, the Committee has awarded the best market products for children aged up to 14 as well as child-friendly places and portals.
The competition has been designed to help parents and carers choose toys, books, places and services which have a positive impact on the child's cognitive, social, emotional and aesthetic sensibility development. Award-winning products, places, services are entitled to use the "Child-Friendly World" label. For many people this label has become a road sign on the map of new products and services for children.
The Children's Rights Protection Committee is a nationwide, non-profit public-benefit organization which deals with children's and families' rights and interests protection. Since 1981 the Committee's mission has been to counteract and prevent all forms of child abuse and help families in crisis. KOPD pursues its mission through the Intervention Centre based in Warsaw and its 23 branch-offices located in other Polish cities. The Children's Rights Protection Committee is an NGO which offers psychological, educational, diagnostic, psychotherapeutic counselling and legal mediation. The Committee ties to find the most appropriate forms of the child and family assistance.
For more information on the KOPD activities and a comprehensive list of the competition winners go to www.kopd.pl website .
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