Every year the International Fair of Rural and Agricultural Tourism AGROTRAVEL features a whole array of workshops for visitors. The upcoming edition's programme includes yoga hormone yoga workshops
Hormone yoga is a system of physical-breathing-energy exercises complemented with stretching and muscles toning. This yoga type improves joints, the spine and skeletal system. Not only does it have an positive impact on the body structure, but also on internal organs, glands and nerves. It keep the whole body in good health and regenerates the organism. Yoga hormone exercises have been developed and composed in order to stimulate female endocrine glands naturally (i.e. thyroid, ovaries, pituitary gland, adrenal glands).
Hormone yoga sessions include body relaxation exercise which at the same time calm the mind. These include breathing techniques and offer energy boosts.
The workshop will be held on 8 April (Saturday), time - 10.00 to 11.30 in the Gamma conference hall at Targi Kielce Congress Centre as a part of the AGROTRAVEL expo.
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