


Air pollution and its impact on human health and the environment as a theme of the conference organised by the Marshal's Office of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodship

As part of the conference, issues related to the air pollution sources and types  as well as global adverse phenomena related to atmospheric pollution were discussed
As part of the conference, issues related to the air pollution sources and types as well
as global adverse phenomena related to atmospheric pollution were discussed

The conference discussed issues related to air pollution sources and types, global adverse phenomena associated with  atmospheric pollution  (smogacid rain,  ozone holethe greenhouse effect), the impact of harmful substances contained in the air on the human body and the environment, and ways to counteract excessive emissions of  atmospheric pollution on a global and local scale.

The Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship together with its partners from Finland, Norway, Estonia and Latvia have been engaged in a three-year project devoted to conditions for the development of bioeconomy in rural areas. Bioeconomy combines traditional sectors of the economy (agriculture, forestry, fisheries) with environmental protection and innovative and sustainable use of available biological resources  including soil and water.  This is also a response to the main challenge the world is facing: how to reconcile the needs of a growing population with the sustainable use of limited Earth's natural resources. This lecture devoted to raising public awareness of air pollution and its impact on human health and the environment is one of the responses. The condition of the atmospheric air, especially at the heating season leaves much to be desired. The ubiquitous smog phenomenon requires us to educate about its negative consequences and causes. Only the general public awareness increase in this area helps to avoid further poisoning.   

The RDI2CluB project "Supporting activities Research, Development and Innovation in rural areas towards the creation of clusters and innovative ecosystems under the smart bioeconomy" is co-financed from the Interreg Baltic Sea Program 2014-2020, priority 1 Potential for innovation, specific objective 1.2 Intelligent specialization.

We invite you to visit the project website:  

The conference was held as q part of the  XX Trade Fair for Environmental Protection and Waste Management EKOTECH - the expo continues until March 1.


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