

Just a sample of what's in the pipeline - great launch in 5 days' time!


Just a sample of what's in the pipeline - great launch in 5 days' time!

Polish Bodybuilding Championship   Fitness Grand Prix  Jatomi Fitness Festival   Pole Dance Show   Polish Muay Thai Championships IFMA;  Spartan Fight 3 

It is hard to read out this year's the attractions list without a pause to take a breath - the multi-sport festival FIT Weekend 2016 offers attractions galore. 

 A warm-up session was staged in Kielce's Galeria Echo shopping mall on 16 an 17 April. And this is just a sample of what already is to come on 23 and 24 April - this supreme experience only in Targi Kielce. 

FIT weekend 2016 - experience extreme sports!


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