


Paul Iby to collect the medal at SACROEXPO


His Excellency Bishop Paul Iby PhD of Eisenstadt Diocese has been awarded the Medal  of the Council for Culture and Cultural Heritage Protection of the Polish Bishops' Conference PER AD ARTEM Excelsis . The medal is presented  "For the courage, addressing the present-day world's challenges, for guiding people to God with edification and  love"  The medal has been bestowed by the resolution of JE Bishop Wieslaw Mering. The awarding ceremony will take place during the expo gala ceremony - the first day of  the 17 International Exhibition of Church Construction, Church Fittings and Furnishings and Religious Art SACROEXPO.   The laureate's works exhibition is is displayed in the E Expo Hall.

HE Bishop Iby's work is a conscious effort to become today's patron for Christian arts and culture. With the engagement of wide and diversified artists milieus, Sacrum is expressed in the material works in the spirit of the Constitution of Vatican II, Sacrosanctum concillium.

The Per Artem ad Excelsis chapter bestows the Medal in recognition of comprehensive solutions for contemporary religious architecture and interior design in projects executed in Poland's church facilities.  It places a special focus upon cultural and culture-creating projects which have substantially contributed to strengthening ties and development of cultural traditions.


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