


For the third time Kielce will the showcase for 2016's market novelties. Your innovations can also be put on show!

In previous years Kielce was the presentation platform for, inter alia: Intermarche, Kaufland, Tesco, PSS Społem
In previous years Kielce was the presentation platform for, inter alia: Intermarche,
Kaufland, Tesco, PSS Społem

Private label innovations - one of the leading development directions. Innovations provide another opportunity to exchange professional experiences. This will be one of the features of the FUTURE PRIVATE LABELS held in Kielce on 15-16 June. This is Poland's largest Conference and Exhibition which comprehensively cover private label issues. Special FPL expo zone - Private Label Gallery, will be a special place for retailers; they can showcase their 2016's new-to-the-market products. 

The Private Label Gallery is one this year's FPL edition's projects designed to carry out practical analyses of the private label future. In addition to experts' conferences and the expo complemented with a nationwide, best private-label packaging competition, the gallery will provide a unique insight into Poland's private label sector's trends

It is worth noting that innovative products have already been presented at previous editions of Kielce's Exhibition of Private Label Producers. The presentation possibility was used by for example, Intermarche, Spolem, Tesco, Kaufland.

You are most welcome to display your products at the  Private Label Gallery. Not onlydoes the Gallery aim to familiarise the event's participants with current market trend; it has also been designed to inspire and motivate all market players, incentive to improve private label quality through increasing consumer loyalty.

Products presented in the gallery will not only attract FUTURE PRIVATE LABELS guests, but also Targi Kielce website visitors.

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