Fans of Jakub Wędrowycz - unite!
Amazing stories, magical worlds and astounding characters - this is what all fantasy lovers may expect on August 17 to 19.
Meetings rich in stories
Browse your shelves carefully and find books by Andrzej Pilipiuk, Jacek Łukawski, Marta Krajewska, Kazimierz Kyrcz. Look for RPG textbooks by Artur Szyndler. Take the books with you as the Festical offers the opportunity to get an autograph! And these are just a few names from the long list of special guests of this year's Sabat Fiction - Fest. Just look at the event fanpage
to find the list of featured guests expanded to include new names. The event will not fall short of the YouTube block - the Darwin Film Group, Jakub "Dem" Dębski, and Piotr "Drwal Rębajło" Włuczkowski - this is just a few of many guests.
If you are on the look out for the information about the event, visit our www.sabatfiction-fest.pl and www.facebook.com/SabatFictionFest