


The 4th International Lifts Exhibition EURO-LIFT - the most important discussion platform for the business sector's most topical issues. The first day of the expo saw experts discussing possibilities offered by the lifts lease

The substantive meetings organized within the framework of the EURO-LIFT attracted many investors and property managers
The substantive meetings organized within the framework of the EURO-LIFT attracted many
investors and property managers

Poland needs to replace 400,000 lifts. Real estate management companies are therefore faced with the question whether to renovate or retrofit lifts. For safety reasons and in order to conform with the standards, complete lift replacement  seems to be a better option. There is a significant aspect - the cost of the operation.

- Cost associated with new elevator purchase may reach 156 000 PLN net. Instalments amount to 4,000 PLN.  Lift lease has become a popular alternative to credits. Then what is paid for  is the use of elevators;  after a predetermined time-period there is an ownership transfer. This allows to save 500 PLN a month, a lease instalment  is about  3,542 PLN.  With this solution  not one, but four elevators can be replaced at the same time  - Said Mariusz Szałagan, director of the Regional Branch of PKO Leasing in Warsaw.

Nowadays, more and more managers decide to opt for lease. This is exemplified by Lazurowa Housing Cooperative in Warsaw.

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