

THE BEST PILOTS OF POWER-PARAGLIDERS - a get together in Targi Kielce

The 8 October at 10:30 am (Sunday) marks the final ceremony of this year's Power-Glider Polish Cup and Polish Power-Glider League

THE BEST PILOTS OF POWER-PARAGLIDERS - a get together in Targi Kielce

This year there have been the five editions of the Polish Cup and Polish Power-Glider League. There have been 51 competitors this year, they run in 29 rounds. The pilots spent dozens of hours in the air and covered hundreds of kilometres.  On 7-8 October Targi Kielce will be the presentation stage for cutting-edge planes, gyroplanes, paragliders, drones and the aviation elite.  The best pilots of power-gliders could not miss the chance to mark their presence at the PARAGIEŁDA – the Light Aviation Expo.



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