


POLE DANCE SHOW 2016 jury panel has expanded to include the third juror

Vecislavs Ruza
Vecislavs Ruza

The POLE DANCE SHOW 2016 - the national pole dance competitions' first edition takes place on 23 April within the scope of FIT WEEKEND. The event is gaining the momentum. We already know the finalists who will make their presentations during the second stage of the competition.

Time to announce another member of the jury panel. Vecislavs Ruza joins Natalia Tatatinsteva and Valerii Bonalume! 

Slava comes from Latvia; for more than 10 years he worked as a dancer and a member of a dance group.  He danced with Latvia's famous artists, he has also performed at major events, e.g. Eurovision Song Contest, national music festivals. he and his dance assembly also performed abroad.  Having moved to Sweden he began working with the Light Opera. Now he is creating the fifth of production Stockholm's Boulevardteatern.

Slava discovered a pole dance in 2013; this instantly became part of his professional life. He learned pole dance do's and dont's at North Pole Studio in Stockholm. This is where he is a trainer and teacher. He has taken an active part in Pole Sports and Pole Art competitions since 2013. It is a double champion-title holder of Sweden's Pole Sports (2014/2015) and double silver medallist of the Pole Sport World Championships (2014/2015).

Vecislavs Ruza's achievements:
• Pole Sport International Championship, London 2015 - second place, men category
 • Pole Theatre, Milan, Italy 2015 - Pole Art category winner,
 • Pole Art Italy, Milan, Italy in 2015, second place, category: men, professional contestants
 • US  Aerial Championship - New York, 2015, first place, category: men
 • Pole Sport National Championships, Stockholm, Sweden, 2014, first place, category: men
 • Pole Theatre, Paris, France, 2014 Pole Art finalist,
 • Pole of Art Cyprus, 2014, fourth place, category: men
 • International Pole Sports Championship, second place, category: men
 • Battle of the pole, Stockholm, Sweden 2014, first place, Category: professionals,
 • Pole Sport National Competition, Stockholm, Sweden 2013, first place.

FIT WEEKEND is multi-port festival held on 23 and 24 April in Targi Kielce.  Bodybuilding, fitness pole dance, Muay Thai, MMA - these are a few examples of the disciplines that will reign supreme in Kielce.

Stay tuned - we will keep you posted. Follow us on FACEBOOK.

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