Saturday in Kielce under the banner of two-wheelers. In addition to new, 2017's season bicycles presentations, Kielce Bike Expo features the Mazovia MTB Marathon
The race which is accompanies Kielce cycling expo brings together about 600 competitors from all corners of Poland, including 100 children.
- I have come with my mother. We live in Pulawy, Lublin Province. I have chosen the hobby distance and my intetnio is to win - says Mateusz Wydro who can boast participation in about 40 marathons.
Mazovia MTB Marathon offers the four types of route: hobby (9 km), fit (30 km), mega (48 km) and giga (70 km). At the beginning the marathon route is fast and offers variable road-surfaces. A further 10 km stretch includes slight uphills. When Mega and Fit separate, cyclists are in for real mountain biking in Posłowickim Chain of the Holy Cross Mountains - rapid, technically demanding downhill-stretches are like in a typical MTB race. Mega offers a 20-kilometre loop, Giga features 40 km of gruelling intervals.
The youngest cyclists are offered a special race - MiniMini + Mazovia sponsored by the TV MiniMini + TV station.
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