They can be referred to as the Magnificent Eight. Competition Jury Panel composition
This year's edition of the National Festival of Poetic and Tourism Songs "Przy Kominku [At Fireplace]" comprises thirteen bands from across the Poland. They will be competing for the Festival Grand Prix.
On December 4 at the Targi Kielce's Congress Centre they will present themselves before the eight-person Jury Panel. We have already presented the list of finalists, now it is time to give a short insight into the Jury Panel composition.
Andrzej Mochoń PhD - Targi Kielce President of Board. A geologist by education, a true lover of exotic travels and mountain tourism who has developed a passion for jazz and foreign languages . He is also an avid aficionado of sports and photography. Furthermore, Mr Mochoń is the head of the Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry, vice-president of the BBC, honorary consul of Germany.
Janusz Deblessem - A radio presenter, a promoter of poetry ste to music genre. Mr Deblessem has worked with the Polish Radio since 1986. He is also a creator of radio features; he has organized and co-founded the important festivals of poetry sang to music, including "Kraina Łagodności [The Land of Gentleness]" at the Opole Festival of Polish Songs. Mr Deblessem is the editor of the iconic "Gitarą i Piórem [Guitar and Pen]" radio programme.
Jerzy Krużel - President of Polish Radio Rzeszów. Jerzy Krużel is a music journalist and Przemyśl councillor. Mr Krużel is the editor of Student Song Magazine "Mikroklimat" designed to promote original songs, literature and tourism.
Leszek Ślusarski - The head of the Polish Radio Kielce music department. This is also the host of the following radio programmes: Dobry Wieczór - Wieczór ze Sztuką; W Ludowych Rytmach; Nie Prześpij Soboty; Muzyka Mistrzów; W Dobrym Tonie; Graj Kapelo!; Paryż-Rzym 12.10.
Piotr Frankowicz - the co-founder of Kielce's group "Grube Dudy", a songwritera and a composer.
Leszek Osterczy - a well known Kielce educator and a psychologist.
Jerzy Filar - a musician, composer, and performer of his own songs with Jacek Cygan's lyrics; one of the "Kraina Łagodności" - lyrical-genre musicians. He is also a founder of Nasza Basia Kochana band.
Marek Mikos - Director of TVP Kielce, for years he has been associated with the creative mileus. He is also the author of "Z butami do nieba" book devoted to Piotr Szczerski.
The Head of the Culture Centre "Little Castle" Arkadiusz Szostak has been appointed the Jury Panel Secretary.
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